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Why I Rise: Jolene Hart's Journey with Rise Gardens

Why I Rise: Jolene Hart's Journey with Rise Gardens

Nestled just outside Philadelphia, Jolene Hart, a dedicated health coach, author, and new Rise gardener, shares her inspiring journey. Beyond the greenery and fresh produce, Jolene's story is one of passion, resilience, and the pursuit of wellness through nature.

From Beauty Editor to Health Coach: Jolene's Path to Wellness

Jolene's roots trace back to New Jersey, but her journey has taken her to the vibrant outskirts of Philadelphia. Before becoming a health coach, Jolene was a magazine beauty editor, spending over a decade researching and writing about nutrition for skin and nontoxic personal care. "I decided to get my health coach certification to better inform my writing," she recalls. Along the way, she discovered that health coaching perfectly complemented her INFJ personality, especially since no one else was exploring the intersection of nutrition and skin health at that time.

Her personal struggles with cystic acne and eczema fueled her passion, leading her to establish her health coaching practice, Beauty Is Wellness, in 2010. "Nutrition for skin has been a passion of mine ever since, leading me to write three books on that topic," Jolene shares.

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Connecting Through Social Media

For Jolene, social media has been a powerful tool to connect with her readers globally. "Social media allows me to share ideas and inspiration immediately," she explains. It's also a platform for collaborating with like-minded creators in beauty and health, making it an essential part of her journey.

Learning from Nature: Jolene's Philosophy on Health

Jolene believes in the profound lessons nature offers. "I think that the more we stay connected to the natural world, the healthier we are in mind, body, and spirit," she states. This philosophy inspired her latest creation, Earth + Body, a card deck and guidebook that explores 52 elements of nature and their lessons for our human experience. "It helps us all to be healthier, one lesson at a time," she adds.

A Memorable Beginning with Rise Gardens

One of Jolene's fondest memories with Rise Gardens is building her garden and nurturing her first batch of seedlings. "Because the garden is in my home and I walk by it a dozen times a day, I feel so connected to the growth of the plants," she shares. This indoor garden offers a unique connection different from her outdoor garden, which she might only check on once a day.

Rise Gardens has seamlessly integrated into Jolene's life, bringing more ease and flexibility into her kitchen. "I have fresh herbs and greens growing only a few steps from the stove that I can harvest at a moment’s notice and put right into a recipe," she enthuses. This freshness and spontaneity in cooking have become an integral part of her culinary adventures.

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Envisioning the Future of Gardening

Jolene envisions a future where everyone can grow their own fresh vegetables, regardless of time, space, or climate constraints. "I think the future of gardening will help solve those issues by making it easier for anyone to grow food," she predicts. She believes Rise Gardens is positioned to lead this change, making hydroponic gardens a household staple.

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Advice for New Gardeners

Jolene's advice to new gardeners mirrors her guidance for new cooks: "Don’t be afraid to experiment because you learn something new from everything you try!" She encourages embracing mistakes as valuable teachers, leading to greater wisdom and comfort in the gardening process.

Jolene’s journey with Rise Gardens is not just about growing plants; it's about cultivating wellness, finding joy in nature, and discovering the endless possibilities that come with nurturing life.

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