Rene Stock |

Pitching in at The Talking Farm

Pitching in at The Talking Farm

We wanted to get to know some of our neighbors in our community. We were so excited to learn that there is an actual farm located less than a mile from here. It's called The Talking Farm. Their mission is to educate people about sustainable farming methods, but they don't *just* talk, they encourage people to get their hands dirty, so that's what we did. The team helped move a gigantic pile of wood chips to help beautify the farm for a farm dinner.

Rise Gardens
Everyone chipped in (pun intended!) even our founder, Hank.

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Getting the tour from the amazing Assistant Farm Manager, Amanda Kritt!

Rise Gardens
Brandon our engineer was probably trying to find a more efficient way to get this all done.

Rise Gardens
That's a LOT of tomatoes.

Rise Gardens
We were really sweating!

Rise Gardens
While cooling off at the end of a great morning, Hank said... 'Indoor gardening is A LOT easier.'

But we do love the outdoors too, and we want to thank The Talking Farm for a great experience. It's amazing what you can find right in your own neighborhood.

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