Jamie Crain |

Meet the Team: Diego Blondet

Meet the Team: Diego Blondet

This blog post is part of our Meet the Team series posted here each Friday.

Diego Blondet | Head of Product and Strategy

Current City: Chicago, IL

Hometown: Lima, Peru

Next up in our series is our Head of Product and Strategy, Diego Blondet. He’s the leader of our team cultivating new products and helping our business grow to its full potential. Diego came into the team to help us expand this business to its true potential. Before coming on board, he revamped business strategies for a leading Peruvian company. There, he learned how to solve problems creatively while keeping customers at the center of the business.

Why did you choose to work with Rise Gardens?

I believe that the food system is broken, especially in the United States. It's designed around what is important for food corporations and not what is important for the customer. I believe that Rise Gardens is giving back to the users the control over their food. I had known for a long time that I wanted to be part of the food industry in order to change it and Rise Gardens is the way I've chosen to drive that change.

How has Rise Gardens changed how you are eating?

Every meal that I have uses a Rise Gardens ingredient. That alone has elevated the quality both in taste and nutrition of what I eat. Additionally, it poses a challenge on how to use the ingredients in more and more creative ways. When you hear Basil, you might think pesto, pizza or caprese salad but there's so much more if you just start looking for it.

What's your favorite dish to cook?

Argentinian BBQ

Tell us about your gardening experience.

I have never gardened. I have lived my entire life in city apartments. So, I literally just started gardening once I had a Rise Garden at home.

What are you watching on TV right now?

Cobra Kai!! I also always watch Chef's table one episode at a time so that I can start using what I learn from the chef of the episode.

Do you have any special secret talents?

I dance salsa at a kind-of-competitive level. Also, I adore cooking and don't suck at it.

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